Monday, September 30, 2019

Entrepreneurs are born and made Essay

There are two sides to every debate, and the â€Å"what makes an entrepreneur† argument has raged for decades with neither side able to conclusively prove their case. There are many who believe that an entrepreneur must possess personality traits such as vision, passion and drive that are innate and cannot be taught. Others argue that the skills of evaluating opportunities, motivating people and operating a business are easily passed on to eager students looking to be entrepreneurs. The truth is that both sides are right and it’s time for a compromise: Entrepreneurs are born and made. Some people may be natural entrepreneurs and immediately open a business, others will have studied and trained long and hard before doing so, and while each may enjoy some success, neither will be as successful as the person who possesses the inherent qualities and has spent the time to get the education and experience of the business world. A lot of studies and research have been done on this particular matter. In the beginning many theorists believe that people are either born entrepreneur or they are not. Professor of Psychology Alan Jacobowitz, after conducting interviews to more than 500 entrepreneurs in a period of 3 years, concludes that entrepreneurs are born not made. He maintains that his subjects share common characteristics, which include: restlessness, independence, a tendency to be a loner, and extreme self confidence. Still, other researchers maintain that there are other personality characteristics that are uniquely entrepreneurial including being innovative, action oriented, high on need for personal control and highly autonomous. In addition to this, Jacobowitz also devised a chronological schema of entrepreneurial indicator that he calls the five ages of entrepreneur. The ages are early childhood exposure, trouble in school, problems with work, desire to risk, and bliss in business independence. Jacobowitz believes that  entrepreneurial aptitude is static, which means that people are either born with the said characteristic or not. Initially this theory was supported by the majority of theorists but other scholars criticize that it has yet to be empirically proven. John Kao, in his attempt to define entrepreneur in a more satisfying manner, holds that they are catalysts. They make things happen. They use creativity to conceive new things and zeal to implement them. In short, they are both creator and innovator. They both generate new idea and serve as the human vehicle by which implementation of that idea occurs. They take the ball and run with it, overcoming obstacles in the way. Still others have also suggested what they term as entrepreneurial traits; Thomas and his colleague summarized the following traits in what they call the characteristics of entrepreneur distilled from 50 research studies. These traits include: Total commitment, determination, and perseverance; Drive to achieve and grow; Opportunity and goal orientation; Taking initiative and personal responsibility; Persistent problem solving; Realism and a sense of humor; Seeking and using feedback; Internal locus of control; Calculated risk-taking and risk-seeking; Low need for stat us and power; Integrity and reliability. In many instances, entrepreneurs are often described as impulsive, gambling adventurer, intoxicated by his or her own adrenaline. But though they put themselves at risk, they are actually motivated to achieve something greater, which is what separates them from the rest of people. Research also shows that they are more of a risk manager rather than risk-seeker. In addition, McLelland’s work on achievement motivation may also help to understanding the entrepreneurship. McLelland holds that human beings are driven by 3 motives: the need for achievement (accomplishing things), for affiliation (being with others) and for power (controlling others). Of these, the need for achievement is considered to be most relevant in understanding the entrepreneur. McLelland further maintains that this particular need derives from people who want to be responsible for solving their problems, setting their goals and  reaching these goals through their own efforts. In addition to this they also desire some kind of measure for their accomplishments. This need for achievement is highly linked to entrepreneurial tendency. The entrepreneurial characteristics largely refer to innate qualities, which separate entrepreneurs from other people who do not seem to possess entrepreneurial traits. These qualities are what drive them to have a vision and remain motivated to pursue their lifelong goals either for personal or practical reasons. It is these qualities that in turn provide jobs for people. Trait theories are not completely condoned by entrepreneurial researchers. Though many agree with what Jacobowitz identifies as entrepreneurial-type characteristics, mostly choose a more dynamic perspective on the matter. Trait theory approach does not provide a distinction particularly to those of managers â€Å"because traits that are used to describe the characteristics of an entrepreneur can just as easily apply to many managers: it lacks specificity, refers largely to men, and is not applicable in all cultures. In his book, he further holds that â€Å"entrepreneurship is environmentally determined†, which means that there are certain conditions that will encourage entrepreneurial activities. This includes capital availability, mechanisms for realizing value, and availability of other resources namely human resources, information resources such as libraries and data banks, and infrastructure resources such as inexpensive space. Other factors would also prove useful in cre ating an atmosphere conducive to entrepreneurial environment; media attention, idea-generating institution, and cultural environment. David Burnett claims that entrepreneurs can be supplied if two important factors are present: opportunity and willingness to become an entrepreneur. According to Praag, opportunity â€Å"is the possibility to become self-employed if one wants to.† And willingness is the relative valuation of work in self-employment compared to one’s other options for employment. An individual’s willingness is positive if self-employment is considered as the best available career option, thus inherently affected by the anticipated market incentives that are available for would be entrepreneurs, namely and  economic benefits. The supply of entrepreneurship is dependent on both individual level factors and general economic factors. Therefore policymakers can foster potential entrepreneurs by creating a supportive atmosphere through initiative market reforms that both increase the market incentives and the availability of capital that available for entrepreneurs. Krueger and Brazeal offer a dynamic model in their approach towards understanding the entrepreneurial behaviors. It suggests that entrepreneurial intention is based on the interaction between personal characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, background, and environment (situational context). They base their approach on Shapero’s models of the entrepreneurial event in which entrepreneurship is defined as â€Å"the pursuit of an opportunity irrespective of existing processes†. Basically the model places emphasis on the notion that beliefs, perceptions and assumptions are learned within the context of a given environment (such as business or community). The attitudes and perceptions bring about intentions, which in turn affect behaviors. Through indirect relationship, the Krueger and Brazeal model proposes the following order: individual’s perceptions, attitudes and assumptions are formed through environment or event. This later translates into intention, or potential, which is reflected in behavior. Thus, this approach suggests that entrepreneurial not only can be learned but can vary across individuals and situations. Naffziger even suggests a step further by stating that the intention to act entrepreneurially is influenced by the interaction of several factors namely individual characteristics, individual environment, business environment, an individual’s personal set of goal, and the existence of a viable business idea. They will make comparisons between their perceptions and probable outcome intended targets, intended behavior and actual outcomes. If the outcomes meets or exceeds perceived outcomes, positive behavior toward entrepreneurial endeavors is reinforced. The same thing occurs if otherwise takes place. Though at the dawn of entrepreneurial researches, many believed that entrepreneurs were born, things have changed now. A lot has been understood about the nature of this idea. The processes involved in the business startups have been observed and analyzed to help people better equipped in embarking an entrepreneurial attempt. An increasing number of higher learning institutions, namely tertiary college education, support the idea that entrepreneurship can be taught. While these schools may not produce entrepreneurs of Ford and Gates caliber, persuasive arguments for this notion have been made. The following examples would be cases in point in entrepreneurship-led development strategies further showing that entrepreneurs can actually be made. Conclusively, I would say that while some people are born to be successful entrepreneurs, those who aren’t born with such quality gift can learn and train to be such. Hence, entrepreneurs are born and made.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Tracker

– Code’s and conventions essay The tracker (sic) is an Australian art house film that represents Australia’s history through the stereotypical associations of the 5 men: the tracker, The Fanatic, The Veteran, The Follower and The Fugitive. Rolf DeHeer’s film uses a broad range of feature film conventions, which help represent the Indigenous culture, in both a negative and positive lines of light. Traditional values of Indigenous culture dictate the culture as both un-knowledge and uncivilised with no right to power. While the colonist culture was viewed as a civilised society, which could control the actions of others, but as times progressed the Indigenous culture was given more right to power and is now viewed as an equal to the European society by the minority of the country. Indigenous Australians were highly regarded to as the lower class citizens of Australia’s settlement, because their values and views were different to the Europeans as they could not read and write in English, but through time many aspects of the culture have grown in values of knowledge, language and rituals. These changes are represented through the film in varying scenes and chapters. The film is said to represent not individuals, but the whole of society (this is represented by the use of historical, metonymic characters). In a close up shot of the tracker’s hand, holding a mixture of bush tucker represents the idea of the knowledge the traditional Indigenous culture actually held. The close up shot of the tracker’s hand filled with flowers, bugs and insects intertwined with the native bushes of South Australia reinforces the knowledge of the Indigenous culture. It represents the idea of the tracker being a strong, wise individual with the knowledge and persistence to create an anaesthetic to drug the follower at a safe level, causing no harm. The need to keep the follower uninvolved in the murder of the fanatic, illustrates the tracker as a cultural character as he doesn’t want to be defined as ‘the villain’. In society this relates to an individual’s desire to be loved by other members of society and their acts to be viewed as ‘heroic’ and positive. As the film progresses, the men travel through the bush further away from civilisation and further away from the colonist power. As they travel toward their destination acts of betrayal, knowledge and connection to the land are displayed. In a shot the tracker is seen in the foreground, with the 2 remaining European men behind on horseback. The tracker walked at a steady, loping pace leading the way. His eyes only left the ground to search the surrounding cliffs of the bush filled gullies around him. The tracker comes to a stop after noticing the damp soil of where a rock once stood. To the tracker this was enough evidence to estimate how far ahead the fugitive was. In the dialogue of the shot the follower is heard questioning the wisdom of the tracker as he claims that he is leading the fanatic and the follower, but after explanation the follower is proven wrong and says ‘sorry’ to the tracker. The shot represents the cultural desire for an apology from the European culture to the Indigenous people, for the manslaughter, acts of violence, mockery and the stolen generation. At this point in the film the progression of the power change is seen immensely as all hope is brought back into the trackers face. The director has used the soundtrack ‘all men walk the path they choose’ to dictate the importance of being an individual and standing up for what is right. The diagetic soundtrack is an important piece in the film, as it contrasts all the metonymic characters together. As a counterpoint to the stereotypical role is the powerful song ‘all men choose the path they walk’. The song is is lyrically appropriate, which underscores the rhythm of the men’s walking pace as they walk/ride and each man has a featured verse that dictates their mood’s and feelings towards their journey. Apart from the soundtrack the director has used many appropriate patterns of progression to illustrate the growth of the character throughs; lose of power, removal of uniform, the chain, the separation at camps and the paintings symbolizing acts of violence, these are just some of the more obvious codes and conventions used within the film. Throughout the film the tracker is seen removing his uniform, at first his hat is thrown off into the bush after leaving the colonial civilisation, his shirt and shoes are also removed after the fanatic has lost his power, and by the end of the movie the tracker is seen getting up on horseback. These shots represent the idea of the loss of colonial power within the group. Traditional values wouldn’t accept the idea of the fanatic being over powered and the tracker being wiser then a white man. Within the film there are countless acts of violence portrayed towards the Indigenous Australians. Out of respect oil paintings were produce to display the massacres and torture. Peter Coad was commissioned to paint 14 landscape and figurative works of art for inclusion in the film. The paintings were used ingeniously to display violence in the film, a method that works to both soften the impact of the actions, and also make them so much more powerful. The works are portrayed beautifully into the landscape of the film, using dramatic and bold colour to depict the shocking and harsh nature of the Australian bush land. The director has used codes and conventions to accurately place the tracker as an Indigenous man that undoubtedly combines the best of both cultures, in his sense of what is appropriate. The characters that were capable of changed have done so while the others have perished in their journey. In today’s society the chicken twisties factory sell most of their products to penguins. _____ By Jaime Martens

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Resource Issues Facing HOME CARE HOUSING Assignment

Human Resource Issues Facing HOME CARE HOUSING - Assignment Example The inability of the organization to develop a HR policy that would regulate all HR issues in all organizational units has led to severe conflicts at all organizational levels and to failures in regard to the development of various organizational activities. The literature related to the particular sector, the HRM sector, has been reviewed so that appropriate explanations are retrieved in regard to the HR problems appeared across the organization. It is proved that the elimination of conflicts in the workplace and the resolution of the firm’s HRM problems are possible only if an appropriate plan of action, that would address all the needs of the organization in terms of its HR, would be introduced. Part A Summary of all HR issues currently faced by Homecare Housing – Links between these issues The HR issues that Homecare Housing currently faces seem to be related with the rapid development of the organization. As noted in the case study, the transformation of the organi zation during the last 12 years has been rapid, leading to the increase of the staff at high levels; today, the workforce of the organization reaches the 600 employees. ... Inequality has become a key organizational problem not only in regard to the level of payment but also in regard to ‘working hours, swift payments and holidays’ (case study, p.2). According to the case study the difference, in percentage, in the amount paid to employees for swifts ‘can vary from ‘0% to 60%’ (case study, p.2), a fact that cannot be accepted. The elimination of inequality and unfairness in the workplace should be the key priority for the firm’s HR managers so that employee morale is increased positively affected the employee performance. Indeed, as noted in the third page of the case study, HR managers in Homecare Housing have understood the need for eliminating inequality in the workplace, especially in regard to the level of payment. Still, inequality across the organization should be addressed in all its aspects and not only in regard to the employees’ remuneration. The introduction of an appropriately customized reward system, as announced by the firm’s managers (case study, p.3) could benefit the organization leading to the increase of employee satisfaction and employee morale (West and Markiewicz 2008, White and Druker 2012); however, such plan could not help for eliminating conflicts in the workplace unless it would be combined with other measures targeting inequality and unfairness (Searle and Skinner 2011). Another problem that the organization has to face in regard to the management of its HR is the development across the organization of union support. Participating in unions can help employees to promote their interests in the workplace (Kirton and Greene 2012); however, if the relevant initiatives are not carefully organized it is quite possible for the involvement of union in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

An individual report auditing the management of innovation in a Essay

An individual report auditing the management of innovation in a nominated organisation - Essay Example How the innovation management process is different for the two types of innovation selected 11 5. Conclusion - The key learning experiences of the respective innovation examples 12 References 12 Appendix 13 1. Introduction The identification of effective strategies is a key challenge for managers in all firms worldwide. Most commonly, specific criteria are set for ensuring the alignment of organizational practices with the market trend and the consumer preferences. Still, in practice it has been proved that even when these criteria are met, the competitiveness of organizations involved may remain at low levels. The management of innovation in modern organizations is examined in the specific study. Reference is made to two particular firms: Microsoft and Alcoa. The first of them, Microsoft, has become popular mostly because of the development of Windows, an operating system that has been characterized as highly innovative. According to Chu (2010, p.2) ‘product innovation is tech nological upgrading of existing product or developing a new product technology’. On the other hand, Alcoa has introduced a unique process for refining aluminium; the above process meets the requirements of innovation process, which has been defined as ‘the usage of new or improved production technology’ (Chu 2010, p.3). ... On contrary in Alcoa emphasis is given more on long-term growth rather on the achievement of significant benefits in the short term. As a result, the perspectives of innovation in Microsoft are different than those of Alcoa, an issue analytically explained below. 2. Management of Innovation – theoretical perspectives The successful management of innovation in industries of different characteristics is based on specific terms. At a first level, organizations that are interested in promoting innovation have to be quite competent in managing knowledge (Mothe and Foray 2001, p.28). According to Mothe and Foray (2001) the promotion of innovation within organizations does not necessary requires the establishment of new vision and mission; rather, it can be achieved even in the context of the existing mission and vision under the terms that the relevant mission and vision are flexible enough so that they can be alternated for supporting plans focusing on innovation. At the same time, King (2009) notes that the tools available to managers of modern organizations for promoting innovation can highly vary; reference is made to for example to ‘the strategic positioning of personnel or the implementation of user innovation communities’ (King 2009, p.198). Moreover, Tidd et al (2005) emphasize on the following fact: the management of innovation in modern organizations can be a demanding task. The use of models and frameworks that have been extensively tested in the empirical research could help managers to minimize risks in regard to the particular activity (Tidd et al. 2005). The above researchers refer, as an example, to the Innovation Process model (Figure 1, Appendix).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Irish History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Irish History - Essay Example How various people responded to the Great Famine of 1845-1852 will also be discussed. Moreover, it will address the role of women in the history of Ireland, as well as the contributions of the Hollywood and Bill Clinton family to promoting peace in Ireland. The Irish Conquest came to a close during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James. This was after several years of struggle, which was characterized by very brutal conflicts. There was an Irish Parliamentary meeting in 1541, during which Henry the eighth ascended to power as the new King of Ireland. This consequently made sure there was a government in place. Therefore, having a friendly king in Ireland, the English saw it as a rare opportunity to acquire further control of over their Kingdom of Ireland to its other claimed territories. This process took them close to a century to eventually succeed in their new endeavors. The process was characterized by various fighting and negotiations between the English administrators an d independent Irish and conservative English lords (Moody and Martin 31). As stated above, the conquest only ended during the times of Elizabeth and James. After a complete conquest, the English realized their first real governance of Ireland. They then established a centralized government all over, an event which was immediately followed by a complete disarmament of the local lordships. However, I would like to argue that this conquest cannot be termed as fully successful by 1603. I admit that by this time they had established a strong control over this territory, at least physically. Some structures, however, still remained unchanged. The Irish had been dominantly Catholics, a fact that had not changed a big deal by 1603. The Irish had not yet adopted the English Protestant ideology by 1603, and there was no sign that that would happen in the near future. The English were also employing very crude methods to strengthen their hold the territory. Methods such as martial law only att racted more resentment from the natives. There was also the introduction of the infamous plantation system which meant total colonization. The English had simply just failed, at least from the ideological perspective (Moody and Martin 31). The Irish gave another life to William of Orange as a Protestant savior even after years of irrelevance among the non-Protestants. William had preached the Protestant ideologies as the ideals. He had worked so hard within the Orange Order, an organization which had emerged after the â€Å"Battle of Diamond.† The ideology of â€Å"biblical Protestantism† emerged again under the new Orange Order, with the stronger principles of reformation. This Order also only accepted those who subscribed to the Protestant ideologies (Johnson 180). William had also successfully convinced not only other Orange Order members but also other protestant Irish that it was important to help The United Kingdom rein forever. Under the English rule, the Protes tants were assured of security and prosperity, since it would highly enrich them while discriminating against the Catholics. Therefore, William’s ideas for Unionism, which opposed any form of Irish re-unification or even the independence of Scotland, was an admirable gesture that would ensure that Protestants rule over Irish Catholics forever. Therefore, William was always seen as the Protestant savior against any fall (Johnson 180). The Catholics were continuously treated

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Facebook list on nasdaq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Facebook list on nasdaq - Essay Example A good number of these individuals basically use it for socialization while an equally reasonable number of the users also use it for business. This is evident from the increasing number of pages dedicated to commercial reason or building company relations all which cements business revenue. The Facebook functions increase the popularity of the site and business uses takes this popularity to a whole new level which is established when people look at the site as a revenue booster. Again, this brings in a totally new dimension beyond the social role; it portrays Facebook not as a social platform but a commercial site. This is the greatest disconnect with the regular Facebook user because the initial spirit seems to fade with passage of time. My initial view of Facebook, and notably that of the general public, was that Facebook was a purely social site thus when it transitions to a commercial site, then the prior views and its role fades with the transition. It soon loses its dominant role which is the single aspect that separated it from the likes of Google and Yahoo. The latter two companies defined their purpose as search engines early on in their operations. To me, this was the reason they have remained dominant to date. This is because the single role they undertook a t the beginning is the very same they have stuck with throughout. Unfortunately, we cannot say this of Facebook since they seem to slowly deviate from the very role that made it famous (Wankel and Charles 280). Even though the numbers represent a perfect opportunity for investors to cash in, my greatest problem is with the social function; the social role Facebook has been associated with. It is quite certain that with public listing, the company’s orientation will definitely change the scenario. It will initiate a change from revenue generation which has been the case to profit maximization. The millions of shareholders who will

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Communication in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Communication in Practice - Essay Example Her affect was inconstant, shifting from a blunted to euphoric to inappropriate, and his insight, as well as judgment, was partial. She did not have thought insertion, broadcasting, withdrawal, and no thoughts of reference. She often made comments that were grossly inappropriate and had problems engaging with peers. She had poor concentration, initial insomnia, and high energy. The manifestation of the mood disorder threw me aback leaving me in a situation of deep thought regarding the best way to handle the patient in a professional manner. I chose to draw lessons from Gibbs model of reflection, allowing me to make a quick description, analysis, and an assessment of the experience helping me to make sense of the experience at hand and examine my practice. The reflection was not enough, and I had to employ other skills gained during training to formulate an action plan. I knew that I had to apply logic to exhibit the fallacy of the hallucinations and delusions in the client, be neutral in case the service user neglected my contact and use non-verbal communication methods such as smiling, facial expressions, and tactile tactics to win the trust of the patient (Peschken & Johnson, 1997). I asked questions, made comments, and focused on what was happening. I also found it necessary to communicate acceptance to the patient, even though many people at the setti ng did not understand the perceptions and thoughts of the client. In this paper, I expound on the application of theories of reflection in the clinical practice to learn from experiences and to make the best decisions in stressful situations. Within the clinical setting, reflection is regarded as the active process of analyzing, reviewing, and evaluating experiences, drawing from theoretical models or past learning. The purpose of applying reflective models is to inform current as well as future actions in the healthcare milieu (Reid, 1993. A

Monday, September 23, 2019

Four ways of evangelism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Four ways of evangelism - Research Paper Example A conclusion is derived upon which two methods are chosen which I believe is the best method to apply to non-believers in my life. Evangelism, in this study, is defined as the zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel as through missionary work. 1. A non-believer is described as someone who lacks belief or faith, as in god, religion, an idea or an undertaking. Zoll 2 revealed in his study that there many Americans today are non-believers, or have no religion. In a wide range study done on American religious life, Zoll’s study showed that the percentage of Roman Catholic believers have been declining, while the percentage of those who said they have no religion at all is increasing. In the same way, the percentage of Christians who are not Catholics suffered also a decline. According to Zoll, there are 57 million Catholics in the US today, but its population has declined by percentage point to 25 percent. In 2008, Zoll reported that there is also a dwindling rank of mai nline Protestants including Methodists, Lutherans and Episcopalians that dropped from over 17 percent to 12.9 percent of its population. Four methods of evangelism What then are the most appropriate evangelization methods to bring back or convert these non-believers to the Catholic fold or to other denomination? Is it the evangelism explosion, lifestyle explosion, friendship evangelism or the servant evangelism? a. Evangelism Explosion If one chooses Evangelism Explosion, one experiences the concept of â€Å"spiritual multiplication†. In Evangelism Explosion, people are trained how to share their faith in Christ. This approach uses prayer, actual on-the-job training where the â€Å"experienced lead the inexperienced, and applies the principle of spiritual multiplication.† The EE is a continuous process wherein it is not only winning people to the Lord on a one on one process but training those who have been won to the Lord to win and train others. EE is like being on a n real life work experience as one is expected to have an â€Å"on the job training† wherein non believers are invited to go with experienced trainers and be able to witness situations wherein people learn how to share their faith. EE based their mission strategy on Jesus’ own strategy wherein He trained 12 disciples and taught them how to train others and so on, thus the theory of spiritual multiplicity started. 3 The advantage of this approach is that EE believes that by learning small parts of the Gospel each week, including Bible verses and illustrations, people will have a hold of the Gospel tool that will eventually become its lifelong mission The difficulty I see in this approach is in doing the outreach or getting to the people one wants to convince. Often enough, non believers are steadfast in their attitude and do not welcome evangelists in their home or area. I relate this from my own experience from a group of foreign evangelists who knocked on my door one day wanting to talk to me about the gospel and Christian Faith. I did not let them in, first because I could not readily understood the way they communicate, second, I was so busy with something else at that time. So they just left me with some literatures about religion that I could read later on. So here, communication, time and attitude are the concerned problems so that it will take time and patience to be able to teach people

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas Essay Example for Free

The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas Essay I do not think the narrator lives in Omelas, because of the way he compares their society to ours, and â€Å"them† to â€Å"us. † He also never includes himself in his descriptions of them, although that begs the question: how does he know them so intimately if not for having been there? The Omelas society is utopian, intelligent, compassionate, respectful, having no need for law, or clergy, beautifully built; the list goes on. Everything is perfect, all except the hidden child. It seems that the narrator sympathizes with the people of Omelas and understands the quandary they are in. He points out the countless good the citizens do in order to counteract the one terrible hidden blight on their society. He practically states that the reason they ARE so good collectively and what makes it such an amazing place to be is the fact that they do share this knowledge of the child’s torment. It does not seem as though the author shares this sentiment of sympathy, and she wants the reader to abhor what is taking place in Omelas and proclaim we would walk away. The narrator views the one who walk away with incredulity. He cannot even begin to describe where it is they go towards, believing it would be even harder to imagine than Omelas. I do not think he could have been one who walked away from Omelas. He seems very resigned to the belief that idealism should be set aside for pragmatism. The willingness of the author to allow us to add any details we like to her story is added to help us visualize its possibility. These minute details don’t change the bones of the story or the meaning behind the words, they simply help us add to the visual picture in our heads. The desolate room the forsaken child resides in is the basis that the entire utopian and beautiful Omelas society rests itself on. The fact that the coming of age of each member of their society is hinged upon their realization of the child and even more tragic viewing of said child is very symbolic. In today’s world we are slowly made aware that not all are provided the luxuries that many of us are lucky to experience. We also generally learn to live with this knowledge, shove it aside and continue on with our lives. We have come to accept that the needs of the many outweigh the few. Some of us, like those who walk out of Omelas choose to stand up against injustices and walk away from it all. Many more of us use justifications as they did, believing that even if the child was let out it would never really live a meaningful life but instead be bound by fear and the mental anguish of its past in the cellar.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Responsibility Project Essay Example for Free

Responsibility Project Essay â€Å"If there was a red pill and you could take it, and there would be no side effects and your disability would be gone. Would to take it?† (Liberty Mutual’s The Responsibility Project, 2012). Anjali Forber-Pratt is paralyzed from childhood. She conquered issues uncommon to most able-bodied individuals such as social pressures, critical personal decisions, and relationships between legal and ethical issues, but she could win gold at the Paralympics. Organizations such as the Paralympics, and the University of Illinois, have overcome the issues of culture and precedence to do what is ethical right. They create strong influence over societies thoughts and provide experiences to those who may not otherwise have access to them. The responsibility and ethical culture of these organizations shows how beneficial changes to attitude and tradition can be. Issue Importance Losing mobility in society is challenging, but overcoming those challenges can be accomplished. Anjali Forber-Pratt had a dream to race in a wheelchair in the Olympics, she achieved that goal and won. Taking what you were giving and make the most of it is exactly what she did. She inspires people everyday to never give up and that they can do anything they set their heart on. Her parents were criticized based on the ethical perspectives of others for the way they treated her as a child. When she fell out of her chair, her mother would not pick her up. Instead she would encourage Anjali to pick herself up because one day her mother will not be there. Her mother was strong and wanted her to have the best life, teaching independence over dependence was the way to ensure Anjali could live a normal life. Anjali gave herself to her dream of racing, trying to push herself to become better against the external pressures at odds with disabled people in societies. External Social Pressures External pressures for anyone can bend everything we believe in or stand for. Within organizations, culture can be stronger when widely accepted by a group; it can withstand higher external pressures. As demonstrated by Citicorp, an organization could build a culture strong enough to withstand external pressures such as national cultural beliefs (Trevià ±o Nelson, 2007). For Anjali, a Paralympics world record holder, external pressures that had affected her life in immeasurable ways and fortunately drove her into organizations that had already built strong cultures of support and acceptance for disabled individuals. The University of Illinois is the original leader in driving the needs of organizational culture changes regarding how people with disabilities are assisted and treated in an academic atmosphere. There are not many years between the time our society viewed the disabled as incapable of normal life and the current view that they are no less capable than those without disabilities. Organizations like the University of Illinois and the Paralympics have provided an external pressure to many other organizations to change their culture out of the shared responsibility we have to each other, whether disabled or not. External pressures can drive positive or negative changes. In the case of Anjali and other disabled individuals the shift in our culture over the last 20 years has been in support of the responsibility we have to create equal access to life and the joys in it that most of us experience. Relevant to Organizational and Personal Decisions The decisions involved with disabilities and the changes in both organizational and personal areas are both areas that an organization and individuals must be responsible for. For instance, in an organizational environment, being responsible for making handicapped accessible areas is something mandated in most, if not all areas of the United States. An example of this would be making sure that there is a way into a building primarily accessed via stairs. Making the decision to uphold this rule is a sign of upholding the responsibility to making areas otherwise inaccessible to handicapped individuals an accessible area. Within personal decisions, it is an individual’s responsibility to notify the proper individuals if a rule or law is not being upheld to allow access to handicapped individuals. Relationship between Legal and Ethical Issues The ethical and legal relationship of citizens with disabilities has not always been equal. As stated above, until recent years the rights and advocacy for people with disabilities simply did not exist. The legal rights and privileges of such people have slowly caught up with the ethical. It is ethical for a modernized country, like the United States, to allow Americans with disabilities to live as normal a life as possible. These people deserve the ability to live a normal life within the realm of possibility. In the short film, Anjali proves that it is possible for those with disabilities to reach and achieve their own dreams. As far as her everyday life is concerned, it can be ideal for many to drive, go to college, and even live alone. The legal ramifications of allowing such dreams to occur have slowly matured over the last few decades. With legal acts concerning the ADA, and others, many new buildings and government or state run facilities have an obligation to be accessible to citizens with disabilities. Perhaps the greatest of feats is finally convincing the public that just because a person has a disability does not mean they are not capable of doing great things. It is and can be a great feeling, to know that the judicial side of government has a firm statement on the well being of those disabled. In turn, America has taken one more step in forging a long-lasting ethical/legal bond for some truly amazing people. Anjali said â€Å"No† to taking the little red pill. Ethical principle affects our daily lives and who we become today. Anjali chose a different path, overcoming the obstacles handicap people face. She conquered issues such as social pressures, critical personal decisions, and relationships between legal and ethical issues. She won gold at the Paralympics inspiring thousands of people. References Liberty Mutual’s The Responsibility Project (2012, September 11). Responsibility Sports: Anjali [Video file]. Retrieved from website: Trevià ±o, L. K., Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing Business Ethics. Straight Talk About How To Do It Right (4th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Interconversion of Petroleum Distillation Curves

Interconversion of Petroleum Distillation Curves The procedures recommended by API [1a] for the interconversion of ASTM D 86 and TBP (True Boiling Point) distillation curves are transposed into Mathcad computation platform. Two Mathcad versions are presented for each of direct, ASTM to TBP, and the backward, TBP to ASTM, curves conversions according to the API procedure. The first version, simpler, but with fewer possibilities of use, was presented in the first part [1a]. This second part comprises the relations of the API procedure written as functions in the Mathcad worksheet. The procedure functions can be placed in a separate area of the worksheet, area which may be then collapsed, locked and hidden. Alternatively, the functions can be stored in a specific Mathcad file, which can be afterwards inserted and employed in the main worksheet with Reference command. Other possibilities of Mathcad environment for interconnection of worksheets (files), such as utilization of Mathconnex or creation of Mathcad E-books, are briefly mentio ned, too. Utilization of Mathcad procedures is illustrated through several examples. The Mathcad worksheets comprising the API procedures are thus providing a convenient computer tool for fast prediction of one of ASTM and TBP distillation curve starting from the other one. Key words : ASTM D 86, TBP, distillation, interconversion, Mathcad, petroleum Introduction The goal of the present work is to offer a general, easy-to-use Mathcad versions of the API (American Petroleum Institute) procedures for the ASTM D 86 and TBP distillation curves interconversion. A simpler Mathcad version of the API procedures was given in the first part [1a]. However the simpler Mathcad version has limited possibilities of use, or even no utility in some applications, such as those of iterative tasks commonly solved with programming modules. Furthermore, numerical data assignements needed to be placed in the worksheet before the methods expressions (case of worksheet setting of Automatic calculation as default, that is turned on ; anyhow, if turned off, most of the present discussion becomes meaningless). In this second part we are going to provide Mathcad written procedures which are more concise and have extended range of application. The relations needed for distillation curves interconversion originating from reference [2] and adapted by the author for temperatures in degrees centigrade have been given explicitly in the first part [1a]. Since the API procedure for ASTM TBP distillation curves interconversion was described in Part 1 [1a], the reader is urged to refer to that part or to the original API reference [2] for a better comprehension and details on both the API method procedure and Mathcad version herein presented. Numerical checks against examples taken from literature [2] [3] [7] and made in order to verify our Mathcad versions of the API procedure, are also shown. Mathcad implementation of API procedures for ASTM TBP distillation curves interconversion. Using functions The main part of the Mathcad worksheet with the API method for estimation of TBP curve from ASTM distillation curve is reproduced in Fig. 1. Assignments of parameters values being identical with those already given in Fig. 1a of the first part [1a], the beginning area of the Mathcad worksheet containing these assignments is no more shown in the present Fig. 1. In the same area omitted from Fig. 1, there are also definitions of range variables  «ip » and  «id », which again are identical with those in Part 1, that is  «ip := 0,1..6 » and  «id:=0,1..5 », needed for indexing current points of the distillation curve (corresponding to 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 and 100 % vol.) and differences (between temperatures), respectively. Thus, the distillation curve is assumed to be represented in the same format as in Part 1, i.e. 7 rows  ´ 2 columns matrix, where the first column elements are volume percentages (0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 and 100) of distillate and the second column elements are the corresponding six temperatures (oC) on the (ASTM or TBP) distillation curve. The task of the function  « dt_DC  » (where dt and DC in notation stand for difference of temperatures and distillation curve) as defined by relation (1) in Fig. 1 is to pick up all pairs of consecutive temperatures on the given ASTM curve, to compute the difference between the two temperatures, and to give the result as a 6 elements array, which elements are the temperature differences. One of the two arguments of the function  «dt_DC » in Fig. 1 needs to be the range variable id. Otherwise, a definition like (a) would issue an error message (Illegal context and expression (a) written in Mathcad turning into red) because, as expected, a range variable is not allowed as parameter within the function definition, or, being more specific, within the expression assigned to a function. Another definition but more lengthy, which can be used to obtain the same numerical result as  «dt_DC » function in relation (1) of Fig. 1, i.e. the six temperature differences, is the next one : (b) Fig. 1. Portion of the Mathcad worksheet with functions definitions to be used for API procedure for TBP curve prediction from the ASTM D86 distillation curve (continued with applications in Figures 2 and 3) Even if the numerical values produced with both definitions, (1) in Fig.1 or above (b), are same, it is worth of mention that the two outputs have different meanings in Mathcad. Thus, while the latter definition (b) produces a six-element vector, the first definition, which is used in relation (1) of Fig. 1, produces an array (which may be also called table) with also 6 values, but which has not the quality of a vector in Mathcad. Consequently, neither several operations typical for vectors, such as transposition (operator à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾T as superscript) or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾vectorize (operator denoted by an arrow above an expression containing a vector) can be applied to the output of the twoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœargument function  «dt_DC ». This behavior may be probably better understood if a function definition like that in relation (1) of Fig.1 for  «dt_DC » is regarded as six one-variable functions simultaneously defined. Difference between the outputs of t he two functions,  «dt_DC » and  «dt_DCb » is similar to that between a true vector and a range variable such as  «ip » or  «id » which is used for indexing. When desired, a workaround able to lead to a vector output is thus provided by the above definition of  «dt_DCb » in (b). Moreover, this definition can be rewritten in a more concise form within a Mathcad worksheet using programming modules (see Part 3 [1b]). In step 2 (Fig. 1), temperature for 50%vol. on TBP curve is estimated with the function denoted  «t_50%TBP », from temperature for 50% vol. of ASTM, as in API procedure described in Part 1 [1a]. According correlations of the same procedure (that is relations (3) given in Part 1), differences between temperatures on TBP curve are then calculated in step 3 based on Fig. 2. Part of the worksheet containing an example using the Mathcad version of API procedure for ASTM-to-TBP distillation curves conversion (Mathcad version of the procedure given in Fig. 1 ; ASTM data and experimental TBP from [2]) temperature differences of ASTM curve. This is done employing again a function with two arguments, of which the first is the range variable  «id » (function named  «dt_TBP »). Finally, TBP temperatures are determined in the 4th and last step with function  «t_DC » by subtracting or adding to priorly determined  «t50%TBP » the appropriate temperature gaps found in step 3 (Fig. 1). An example using the Mathcad version of the API procedure described above is given in the portion of the Mathcad worksheet shown in Fig. 2. As previously explained, since the output of the function  «dt_DC » in step 1 or of the function  «dt_TBP » in step 3 (Fig. 2) is an array (table) and not a vector, presence of the index  «id » at vector-variables  «ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ tASTM1 » or  «ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ tTBP1 », respectively, is imperative for a correct assignment of values computed by functions ( «dt_DC » or  «dt_TBP ») to the elements of mentioned vectors. Otherwise, the aforementioned error message (Illegal context) would be issued and corresponding expressions turned into red. Fig. 3. Part of the worksheet with another example using the Mathcad version of API procedure for ASTM-to-TBP distillation curves conversion (Mathcad version of the API procedure given in Fig. 1 ; ASTM data and corresponding TBP estimated by Edmisterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœOkamoto procedure taken from [3]) Even if it can be readily noticed from both Fig. 1 and example in Fig. 2, we emphasize that in the present Mathcad version of API procedure (Fig. 1) it is possible to write the expressions of the procedure as a standalone suite, independent on the 7  ´ 2 matrix with distillation curve data, due to use of functions. On the contrary, for the simpler Mathcad version given in Part 1 [1a], it was necessary to provide the distillation curve matrix in the Mathcad worksheet before the relations of the API procedure. Thus, presentation of simpler Mathcad procedure in [1a] was actually possible only using a numerical example. However, it can be mentioned that even in the case of simpler version in Part 1 a workaround for the infringement of normal order, that is with data in the begining of the worksheet, may be provided by the use of a global definition (available in Mathcad). ASTM distillation data for example in Fig. 2 was taken from API Technical Data Book [2]. The TBP curve determined in Fig. 2 is identical with that computed in [2] from the same ASTM distillation data and with same API procedure. For comparaison, experimental TBP (vector  «TBPexp ») retrieved from the mentioned reference [2] is also given in Fig. 2. Fig. 4. Area of worksheet with the Mathcad version of the reversed API procedure, for conversion of the TBP curve into ASTM distillation curve The use of the same Mathcad version of the API procedure is illustrated with another example in the part of the worksheet reproduced in Fig. 3. ASTM data (7  ´ 2 matrix  «ASTM2 ») in Fig. 3 and corresponding TBP values (matrix  «TBP2_EO ») estimated with Edmister and Okamoto method [4] are quoted from reference [3]. The suite of definitions shown in Fig. 1 as well as the two examples (Fig. 2 and 3) have been actually written in the same Mathcad worksheet. The Mathcad version of the reversed API procedure, for TBP curve conversion to ASTM distillation curve, is illustrated in Fig. 4. In step 1 the temperature differences between two consecutive temperatures amongst those of selected points on TBP curve can be computed with the same function  «dt_DC » given in Fig. 1. Since the Mathcad versions of both direct and reversed API procedures have been written in same worksheet, there was no more need for another function definition for step 1 in Fig. 4. Coefficients in the expression of the function  «t_50%ASTM » in relation (6) (Fig. 4), needed for the prediction of the 50% temperature on ASTM curve based on 50% temperature on TBP curve, are taken from Part 1 [1a] and they are coming from the same API procedure [2]. As shown in Fig. 4, the temperature for 50% on ASTM curve can also be determined with the function  «tr_50%ASTM », which is the inverse of function  «t_50%PRF » defined previously in the worksheet (with relation (2) in Fig. 1). The inverse function,  «tr_50%ASTM », is defined using the Mathcad built-in function  «root ». First argument of  «root » is the expression of whose root is wanted, the second argument indicates the variable with respect to which the equation defined by the expression has to be solved, and the 3rd and 4th arguments specify the interval where the desired root is lying. Fig. 5. Portion of Mathcad worksheet with example of TBP curve conversion into ASTM D86 distillation curve (API procedure [2]) Presence of last two arguments is optional: when these are included, Ridder or Brent algorithm is used internally by  «root » to determine the solution; otherwise Mueller-secant algorithm is employed. The accuracy of the computed root is determined by parameter TOL (tolerance) whose value can be set (for the entire worksheet) from Mathcad menu. For details on the Mathcad root function or on the mentioned algorithms, references [5-6, 9] may be consulted. Notations used in relation (6r) of Fig. 4 show that equation t_50%TBP(à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœt=0 is (numerically) solved with respect to variable à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ (that is unknown à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡) and the desired root (ASTM temperature for 50% vol.) is within interval (0, 1000) ( oC ) for all possible values of parameter  «t » (temperature for 50% vol. on TBP curve). Differences between temperatures on ASTM curve are computed in step 3 based on temperature differences on TBP curve determined in step 1. Being previously defined in the worksheet (Fig. 1), coefficients  «AAPIC » and  «BAPI » in relations (7) are known. Finally, in step 4 temperatures on the ASTM curve are calculated using the same function  «t_DC » already defined in a proceeding zone (Fig. 1) of the worksheet. We recall that for features of Mathcad employed herein or other capabilities reader can find valuable and detailed information with good examples in Mathcad help [5a] and particularly in the Resource Center [5b] accompanying Mathcad platform. The use of the Mathcad version for the reversed API procedure, that is for TBP curve to ASTM curve conversion, is illustrated with the example in the part of Mathcad worksheet reproduced by Fig. 5. Other possibilities of utilization of Mathcad written procedures Two of these possibilities are illustrated below, one using an inserted area and the other the Reference command provided by the Mathcad environment. An area can be readily inserted in a worksheet, using the commands from Insert menu. In our case (Fig. 6), after inserting a new area (a blank area initially) in the worksheet, we have merely copied ( Copy/Paste ) the area given in Fig. 1 and pasted it in the inserted blank area. The area thus inserted contains also the assignments of values to parameters Aid and Bid needed in the procedure (parameters which values are given in Tab. 1 of [1a] and are named  «AAPIC »  «BAPI » in Figures 1a,b and 2 in the same reference [1a] and which are no more shown in Fig.1 of the present part). Obviously, in such a case one has to provide a sufficient size of the inserted area. Its enlargement can be made by selecting one (usually the lower) of the crosshairs corresponding to the boundaries of inserted area and dragging it, or by clicking inside area and typing Enter one or several times, as needed to accommodate the whole pasted part. The inserted area may be then easi ly collapsed (Fig. 6), as indicated by instructions in the dialog box which appears with a mouse right-button click. After collapsing, the inserted region can be locked and protected by a password and then provided with a time stamp. Always after collapsing, presence of the inserted region may be even made invisible (hidden) [5b]. All content of Fig. 6 was actually written in a new Mathcad file (worksheet), different from those illustrated in previous figures. Fig. 6. Mathcad worksheet with inserted area collapsed and an example of ASTM curve conversion into TBP curve Fig. 7. Mathcad worksheet with Reference to the Mathcad file (named here ASTMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœTBP interconvAPI simple containing the API procedure for the two distillation curves interconversion The Reference command (Fig. 7) allows all variables or functions definitions from another worksheet (referenced worksheet or referenced Mathcad file) to be made available in the current (parent) worksheet. Thus the current worksheet will behave as if one should have inserted into it the actual regions from the referenced worksheet. The Reference containing line is merely introduced by a first mouse click in the main (parent) worksheet in the place where the referenced file is desired, then making the insert from the Reference command accessible in menu (Insert Reference), followed by pointing to referenced file location (as asked by dialog box). An icon (right headed arrow inside a square) will mark the place from which the referenced worksheet will take effect within the parent worksheet. (R) after the file name (ASTM-TBP interconvAPI simple in occurrence, Fig. 7) means that the relative path was chosen in the present case in order to locate the referenced file. Even if the referenced Mathcad file itself cannot be seen in the current (parent) worksheet, it may be opened with a double click on its Reference icon and then accessed and even modified. Like for any other computational environment or programming language, it is strongly advisable to use systematic and mnemonic notations for various variables, functions,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, both in main and inserted worksheet (collapsed or not, or with Reference), in order to avoid errors. As already mentioned in [1a], errors in computed results may appear in case of notations overlap, even without any error message highlighted by Mathcad (without any expression turned into red). In the case of long worksheets, more complicated structures of linked (concatenated) worksheets can be thus envisaged. For example a worksheet with an inserted area can be referenced from another worksheet. Again, in order to reduce the possibility of errors and for an acceptable readability, it is however advisable to limit to only a few the worksheets thus interconnected. If this is not possible, there are alternatives offered by Mathcad platform, such as use of Mathconnex environment or creation of a Mathcad electronic book. Both alternatives are easy to use and well documented in Mathcad help, for example the latter in the Authors reference item within Help menu. Moreover, recent versions of Mathcad, i.e. starting with 2001i, offer the possibility to save worksheets under XML or HTML format. Conclusion In the Mathcad version of API procedure for ASTM-TBP distillation curves interconversion presented in this part, use of functions allows to write the expressions of the procedure as a standalone suite, independent on the 7  ´ 2 matrix comprising distillation data. Utilization of some Mathcad features, such as functions with two arguments one of which being a range variable, vector-valued functions, definition of an inverse of a function using built-in root function, or area insertion in a Mathcad worksheet, are illustrated through examples. Interconnection of Mathcad worksheets (files) through the ,Reference command is also exemplified. Such features of Mathcad platform can provide added readability and broader generality to worksheets. Other capabilities of Mathcad, like utilization of Mathconnex or creation of Mathcad E-books are briefly envisaged. The Mathcad worksheets comprising the API procedures are thus providing a convenient tool for fast prediction of an ASTM or TBP distillation curve starting from the other one.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Spring in the Kokinshū Essays -- Poetry, The Seasons

Seasons can convey a multitude of meanings. Though the KokinshÃ… « consists of numerous sections, the seasonal sections are the best at conveying the power of human creativity. The seasons in poetry are used to show everything from the passage of time as well as evoke feelings such as loneliness and love. As shown in the spring sections of the KokinshÃ… «, seasons are treated in poetry through their progression from one part of the season to another, seasonal imagery in describing the season, related emotional expressions, and the linking of human emotion to the natural surroundings. For each seasonal section, there is a progression from beginning to end within the season. Each season is compiled in a progressive nature with poetry describing the beginning of a season coming before poetry for the end of the season. This is clear for spring, which starts with, â€Å"fallen snow [that] lingers on† and concludes with a poet lamenting that â€Å"spring should take its leave† (McCullough 14, 39). The imagery progresses from the end of winter, with snow still lingering around to when the signs of spring are disappearing. Although each poem alone does not show much in terms of the time of the year, when put into the context of other poems a timeline emerges from one season to the next. Each poem is linked to another poem when it comes to the entire anthology. By having each poem put into the context of another, a sense of organization emerges within each section. Every poem contributes to the meaning of a group of poems. The images used are meant to evoke a specific point in each season from the snow to the blossoms to the falling of the blossoms. Since each poem stands alone and has no true plot they lack the significance than if they were put into th... ...nging feeling. The longing feeling is not exclusive to the cherry blossoms, but can be subtly directed towards a person also. Spring brings beauty in the form of the cherry blossoms, but ends with a desire to see it again. Furthermore, life, whether human or natural, is not eternal. It will only go on for so long before it reaches an end. Each season only comes once a year, and everything associated with it will not return till the next year. As a result, the relatively short-lived life is regarded as a reason to appreciate every last bit of beauty in the season however minor or seemingly insignificant. Everything is taken into account and admired. Once it is gone, the only choice is to wait for it to return in a year. Throughout the seasonal sections of the KokinshÃ… «, this connection between natural beauty and the human condition can be seen through the poetry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Older Worker Essay -- Employment Jobs Essays

The Older Worker The workplace for older adults is becoming a dynamic space rather than a unidirectional journey leading to retirement. Work life for older adults is situated in a dynamic pattern of periods of active employment, temporary disengagement from the workplace, and reentry into the same or a new career. The new older worker is developing a third stage of working life, the period beyond the traditional retirement age and final disengagement from the work role. The third age of life has been associated with choice, personal fulfillment, and liberation (Soulsby 2000). Using this idea, we posit a third stage of working life where older workers are active agents negotiating various roles within the workspace. The actions, depending on life circumstances, might include the decision to remain in, retire from, or return to periods of part-time, full-time, or part-season work. Thus, although workplaces are searching for ways to increase productivity, older workers are asking for increased career de velopment opportunities and yet are still neglected by most workplaces. This publication discusses some of the misconceptions about older workers and the reality of a more active and involved older adult work force. There Is an Age When One Becomes an Older Worker: The Age Myth There appears to be considerable variation in the concept of older worker as defined by age alone. The term older worker extends from 40 to 75 years of age. When workers at age 40 are referred to as older workers, age is linked to beginning thoughts about retirement decisions (Rosen and Jerdee 1986), the decline in training opportunities (Cooke 1995), the dispelling of myths about the productivity of an aging work force (Kaeter 1995a), or the need for ... ... Express Their Views.† Generations 22, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 34-39. Salomon, A. â€Å"A Trainer’s Guide to Retirement Planning.† Training 19, no. 8 (August 1982): 42, 47. Soulsby, J. Learning in the Fourth Age. Leicester, England: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 2000. Stalker, P. â€Å"Wiser Policies for Older Workers.† World of Work no. 12 (May-June 1995): 22-23. Sterns, H., and Miklos, S. â€Å"The Aging Worker in a Changing Environment.† Journal of Vocational Behavior 47, no. 3 (December 1995): 248-268. Sullivan, S., and Duplaga, E. â€Å"Recruiting and Retaining Older Workers for the New Millennium.† Business Horizons 40, no. 6 (November-December 1997): 65-69. Yeatts, D.; Folts, W.; and Knapp, J. â€Å"Older Workers Adaptation to a Changing Workplace: Employment Issues for the 21st Century.† Educational Gerontology 25, no. 4 (June 1999): 338-347.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Consent forms

Although many people may think that signing a consent form is crazy, but there are many different think that people may hear about signing consent forms such as; you have to pay for the form, there are a lot of questions on the form, and they are not real at all. The real question we should all ask ourselves is that.Should informed consent be limited in certain situation? I'm about to give you some good reasons why we should sign consent forms at the doctor's office and the hospital. For example, while reading he book about Henrietta Lacks gave me a different outlook on what really goes on in the doctor's office and the hospital, and we all need to watch out and read everything that we get from the hospital and doctors.Now if Henrietta got consent form she would have read that paper before she signed it and then the doctor's would have never took her cells Just to run some test on them without her knowing, and that is where the consent form comes in at. As though many of us do not re ad everything that is on that form and the entire only thing that we do see on the paper is ignature and date, but we really need to read the whole thing before we go and sign a form and we have no idea what they will do without cells Just like Henrietta.One of the quotas that stand out to me in â€Å"Transparency: informed consent in primary care (Hoard Brody)†, and I feel that this quote was a good one because it gets right to the point about signing consent forms: Physicians may also view informed consent as an empty charade, since they are confident in their abilities to manipulate consent by how they discuss or divulge information (Brody par 4). While reading this quote had e thinking about a lot of thing that we may not know about these consent forms because our doctors do not really tells us about them, yet the only thing they do is give it to us so that we can read it and sign the paper.However many of us may have a lot of questions that about signing a consent form a t the doctor's office and we may not think that it is very important to sign and most of us do not want to sign that paper and they doctors may do something to you cells, and you did not sign that paper the only person that you can be upset with is yourself because you did not ead that consent form all of the way, but the one that you was ready to do is not sign that paper and Just walk out the doctor's office.Another quote that I thought that Howard Brody wrote about in his article was: Some positive side-effects of this might be more focus on good diagnostic and therapeutic decision making on the physician's part, since it will be understood that the patient will be made aware of what the physician's reasoning process has been like, and better documentation of management decisions in the patient record (Brody middle of par 18). The speed of edical research together with drug companies race to create products has overtaken the system designed to keep people safe (Robert Davis par 2 ).While reading this quote from â€Å"U. S. : Human Medical Test Lack Oversight (Robert Davis)†, I feel that we should get a better understanding of the medical, and consent forms because if we don't read and understand something then we will signing something tor someone to take without us knowing. In conclusion many people may not understand why we should sign a consent form Just in the case something may happen to us while we are at the doctor's office or in the hospital.While reading these articles and the Henrietta Lacks book made me realize that signing a consent form is important because you do not give the doctors the rights to take anything from you that they did not ask for, but back in the day they could Just take anything that didn't belong to them; however, now you have to ask that patience if you can, but most of the time they will say no.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organization of the Police Department

Running a police department and preventing crime can be a complex task. Every individual within the police department including patrol officers, detectives, and clerical staff are vital in maintaining smooth order within the department and community. The organization of the police department is only effective when the officers know his or her roll and can fulfill the assigned duties based on the area, time, and purpose of the mission. The organization of the police department is what ensures an easy flowing and effective department. The organization does not just include the chain of command, but it includes how each officer will maintain order in the community by working different shifts and locations. Police officers can patrol the community in different areas known as beats or posts, zones, and precincts. A beat or post is generally a small area in which one or two officers can patrol by either squad car or on foot. The beat or post officers should be familiar with the people and businesses within the area, and also be aware of the risks and concerns in which officers may need to seek additional assistance. However, the beat or post area should be large enough to prevent boredom, but small enough to maintain with limited manpower (Dempsey & Frost, 2005). Next, a zone area within a community is when â€Å"a number of individual beats are grouped together† (Dempsey & Frost, 2005, p. 72). The purpose of zonal policing is to implement community policing, while providing a fast response time, performing visible patrols, and providing localized service to the community based on its needs (City of Windhoek, 2010). Finally, a precinct is an entire group of beats or posts in a specific area within a community. A precinct is used in larger communities with more officer manpower than a traditional small town. This keeps officers in assigned areas to ensure rapid response time and organization (Dempsey & Frost, 2005). Every police department across the world has to make good use of time and manpower to avoid stress and fatigue, and to ensure that more officers are on shift during the highest times of call volume. Police departments run on shifts that ensure that there are officers on duty 24-hours a day. Some departments may operate the three-tour system, whereas other departments may use fixed tours. The three-tour system uses three shifts a day that operates on either 8 or 12 hours per officer. Sometimes the shifts may overlap which can be used for additional manpower to patrol the community or used for training purposes. However, the numbers of officers may vary per shift due to the typical call volume every day. Some cities may experience a higher call volume at night; therefore, there is a need for a higher percentage of officers on the graveyard shift compared to the morning or afternoon shift. Additionally, the stress of the three-tour system can affect the personal life of the police officer and cause additional stress because the officer may work rotating shifts. Rotating shifts is when an officer may work all nights for an entire week, then the next week the officer may work the morning or afternoon shift to accommodate the three-tour system. The other type of shift, which is a fixed shift, is when officers are assigned to mornings, afternoons, or nights and usually maintain the same schedule. This option for the shift can be based on seniority; however, it does ensure that each officer gets adequate time for personal and social time (Dempsey & Frost, 2005). Another way to organize a police department is to place particular functions into separate groups to ensure a continuous flow throughout the department, as well as to prevent any confusion inside the department. The best way to keep the department organized is by grouping each job title together and keeping them separate from the rest. For instance, patrol officers should be grouped in the same unit, detectives should be grouped in another unit, and administration should be kept separate from these two groups. However, those are not the only groups within the department that should be kept separated. There are other positions such as juvenile, evidence, and communications that need to be secluded from other groups (City of Iowa City, Iowa, 2011). The purpose of each police department, however, is to ensure citizen safety by maintaining order within the community, enforcing state and local laws, as well as providing service to each member of the community (Dempsey & Frost, 2011). Although the tasks of the police department seem to be vast and complex, in reality each department is setup to provide organized service to the ommunity through careful planning of area, time, and purpose. Additionally, the way each police department is setup, it provides better service by ensuring that each area of the community is covered and that each officer has sufficient time to be relieved from duties for essential sleep, socializing, exercise, and family time. The planning and organizing of each department is as important as the protection and services that the department provides for each commun ity.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Favorite Place Orlando Florida

Orlando, Florida The best place for vacation Orlando, Florida. Orlando is one of the most busy tourist locations in Florida, maybe even busier than the Miami beaches. This is because Orlando has many locations for all kinds of people, whether they are children, or adults. Orlando has many theme parks located on its famous strip, including Disneyworld, Wet n' Wild, Universal Studios, Ripley's Believe it or Not House. Sea World, and a host of other tourist locations. And out of all these places, the most interesting place to be at is Disneyworld. Many people think that Disneyworld is a place for children. This cannot be farther from the truth. Even though Disneyworld is designed for children and families, many adults can have a fun time there. Disneyworld is one of the biggest and most visited amusement parks in the world. The disneyworld in Orlando is also known as The Magic Kingdom and this is the best name for the place. Once you enter Disneyworld, you do enter into a magic kingdom. It is of no surprise that many adults have found Disneyworld to be an extremely entertaining. Even though most of the rides are meant for the children, the adults can take pleasure in being inside an architectural piece of wonderland. The Magic Kingdom is divided into many areas, and one of the most prominent, the area that comes in as soon as you enter the Magic Kingdom is the Main Street, usa. This street is made up of various architectural styles from the various states of usa, with much of the style being influence by Missouri and New England. The buildings on Main Street are built in such a way that they seem to be bigger than they actually are; the second story is smaller than the first, and the third smaller than the second is, giving the buildings a larger-than-life image. At the end of the Main Street is Cinderella's Castle, which is the trademark of the magic k ingdom. You really have to see it to appreciate its magical realm. The rest of the area is divided into different lands, such as the Frontier Land, the Adventure Land, the Land of Tomorrow, Liberty Square, and Fantasy Land. Adventureland is a paradise for children and a treat for the adults. It is made up of various foreign lands that represent the jungles of Africa, Asia, and South America. A make-belief Caribbean town square has also been built into this area to give a tropical feel to the area. This area has rides such as the Pirates of the Caribbean, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, and the Jungle. Cruise. Frontierland has been built in the place of the Wild West and the Rivers of America. This place has the looks of Rocky Mountains and railroads as it hosts rides such as the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, and Tom Sawyer Island. Another area that is more popular for the children is Fantasyland. This is a colorful array of architecture that works together to represent the fantasyland of the children's minds. Includes rides such as Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Snow White's Scary Adventures, Cinderella's Golden Carrousel, and Mad Tea Party. Even though most of the rides and entertainment present inside the Magic Kingdom is meant for the kids, this does not mean that adults cannot enjoy them. The Magic Kingdom offers many packages and incentives for young couples to visit and there are more than a few freshly married people who have visited the Magic Kingdom for their honeymoon. Overall, the Magic Kingdom in Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida is a place for people of all ages and for all nationalities. It is a place one must visit at least once in their lifetime.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Shadow Kiss Chapter 22

Twenty-two DEIRDRE THE COUNSELOR must not have had much of a life, because she scheduled our next appointment on a Sunday. I wasn't thrilled about it, seeing as it wasn't just my day off – it was also the day my friends had off. Orders were orders, however, so I grudgingly showed up. â€Å"You're wrong,† I told her as soon as I sat down. We hadn't really addressed the questions from my first session yet. We'd spent our last couple of times talking about my mother and what I thought of the field experience. â€Å"What about?† she asked. She wore a sleeveless floral dress that seemed too cold for a day like today. It also bore an eerie resemblance to the nature photographs that hung around the office. â€Å"About the guy. I don't just like him because I can't have him. I like him because †¦ well, because he's him. I've proven it to myself.† â€Å"Proven it how?† â€Å"It's a long story,† I said evasively. I didn't really want to get into the details of my Adrian compulsion experiment. â€Å"You just have to trust me.† â€Å"What about the other thing we talked about?† she asked. â€Å"What about your feelings about Lissa?† â€Å"That idea was wrong too.† â€Å"Did you prove it to yourself?† â€Å"No, but it wasn't the kind of thing I could really test the same way.† â€Å"Then how can you be sure?† she asked. â€Å"Because I am.† That was the best answer she was going to get. â€Å"How have things been with her recently?† â€Å"Recently how?† â€Å"Have you spent a lot of time together? Kept up with what she's been doing?† â€Å"Sure, kind of. I don't see her as much. She's doing the same things as usual though. Hanging out with Christian. Acing every test. Oh, and she's practically got Lehigh's website memorized.† â€Å"Lehigh?† I explained the queen's offer to Deirdre. â€Å"She won't even be there until fall, but Lissa's already looking at all her classes and trying to figure out what she wants to major in.† â€Å"What about you?† â€Å"What about me?† â€Å"What will you do while she attends classes?† â€Å"I'll go with her. That's what usually happens if a Moroi has a guardian close to her age. They'll probably enroll me too.† â€Å"You'll take the same classes she does?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"Are there classes you'd rather take instead?† â€Å"How do I know? She hasn't even picked the ones she's going to take, so I don't know if I want to take them or not. But it doesn't matter. I have to go with her.† â€Å"And you don't have a problem with that?† My temper was starting to prickle. This was exactly what I hadn't wanted to talk about. â€Å"No,† I said tightly. I knew Deirdre wanted me to elaborate, but I refused to. We held each other's eyes for a few moments, almost like we were challenging the other to look away. Or maybe I was reading too much into it. She glanced down at the mysterious notepad she always held and flipped through a couple of pages. I noticed that her nails were perfectly shaped and painted red. The polish on mine had started to chip. â€Å"Would you rather not talk about Lissa today?† she asked at last. â€Å"We can talk about whatever you think is useful.† â€Å"What do you think is useful?† Damn it. She was doing the question thing again. I wondered if one of the certificates on her wall gave her some sort of special qualification to do that. â€Å"I think it'd be useful if you stopped talking to me like I'm a Moroi. You act like I have choices – like I have the right to be upset about any of this or pick what classes I want to take. I mean, let's say I could choose them. What good would it do? What am I going to do with those classes? Go be a lawyer or a marine biologist? There's no point in me having my own schedule. Everything's already decided for me.† â€Å"And you're okay with that.† It could have been a question, but she said it like a statement of fact. I shrugged. â€Å"I'm okay with keeping her safe, and that's what you keep missing here. Every job has bad parts. Do I want to sit through her calculus classes? No. But I have to because the other part is more important. Do you want to listen to angry teenagers try to block your efforts? No. But you have to because the rest of your job is more important.† â€Å"Actually,† she said unexpectedly, â€Å"that's my favorite part of the job.† I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but I decided not to pursue it, particularly since she hadn't responded with a question. I sighed. â€Å"I just hate everyone acting like I'm being forced to be a guardian.† â€Å"Who's ‘everyone'?† â€Å"Well, you and this guy I met at Court†¦this dhampir named Ambrose. He's†¦well, he's a blood whore. A guy blood whore.† Like that wasn't obvious. I waited to see if she'd react to the term, but she didn't. â€Å"He made it sound like I was trapped in this life and all that too. But I'm not. This is what I want. I'm good at this. I know how to fight, and I know how to defend others. Have you ever seen a Strigoi?† She shook her head. â€Å"Well, I have. And when I say I want to spend my life protecting Moroi and killing Strigoi, I mean it. Strigoi are evil and need to be wiped out. I'm happy to do that and if I get to be with my best friend in the process, that's even better.† â€Å"I understand that, but what happens if you want other things – things that you can't have by choosing this lifestyle?† I crossed my arms. â€Å"Same answer as before. There are good and bad sides to everything. We just have to balance them as best we can. I mean, are you going to try to tell me that life isn't that way? That if I can't have everything perfect, then there's something wrong with me?† â€Å"No, of course not,† she said, tilting back in her chair. â€Å"I want you to have a wonderful life, but I can't expect a perfect one. No one can. But what I think is interesting here is how you respond and cope when you have to reconcile these contradictory pieces of your life – when having one thing means you can't have another.† â€Å"Everyone goes through that.† I felt like I was repeating myself. â€Å"Yes, but not everyone sees ghosts as a result of it.† It took several heavy seconds for me to finally realize what she was getting at. â€Å"So wait. You're saying that the reason I'm seeing Mason is because I secretly resent Lissa for the things I can't have in my life? What happened to all the trauma I've been through? I thought that was the reason I'm seeing Mason?† â€Å"I think there are a lot of reasons you're seeing Mason,† she said. â€Å"And that's what we're exploring.† â€Å"And yet,† I said, â€Å"we never actually talk about Mason.† Deirdre smiled serenely. â€Å"Don't we?† Our session ended. â€Å"Does she always answer your questions with questions?† I asked Lissa later. I was walking with her through the quad, heading toward the commons for dinner. Afterward, we were going to meet up with the others for a movie. It had been a while since she and I had hung out just by ourselves, and I realized now how much I'd missed it. â€Å"We don't see the same counselor,† she laughed. â€Å"It'd be a conflict of interest.† â€Å"Well, does yours do that then?† â€Å"Not that I've really noticed. I take it yours does?† â€Å"Yeah †¦ it's actually pretty amazing to watch.† â€Å"Who knew the day would come when we'd be comparing notes on therapy?† We both laughed at that. Several moments passed, and then she started to say something. She wanted to tell me about what had happened with Jesse and Ralf, not realizing I already knew. Before she could say anything, though, someone joined us. Dean Barnes. â€Å"Hey, Rose. A bunch of us are trying to figure out why you're on half-time.† Great. I'd known somebody would ask about that sooner or later. And honestly, I was kind of surprised it hadn't happened already. Everyone had been too busy with their own field experiences to give it much thought until now. I had an excuse ready. â€Å"I've been sick. Dr. Olendzki didn't want me going full-time.† â€Å"Really?† he asked, staggering a little. â€Å"I thought they were always talking about how in the real world, you don't get sick days. Or something like that.† â€Å"Well, this isn't the real world, and Dr. Olendzki's word is final.† â€Å"I heard it was because you're a threat to Christian.† â€Å"No, believe me, that's not it.† The scent of alcohol radiating off of him gave me a convenient way to change the subject. â€Å"Have you been drinking?† â€Å"Yeah, Shane got some stuff and had a few of us up in his room. Hey.† â€Å"Hey what?† I asked. â€Å"Don't look at me like that.† â€Å"Like what?† â€Å"Like you disapprove.† â€Å"I'm not,† I argued. Lissa giggled. â€Å"You are, actually.† Dean put on an offended face. â€Å"Hey, it's my day off, and even if it is Sunday, that doesn't mean I can't – â€Å" Something moved beside us. I didn't even hesitate. It was too fast, too covert to be anything friendly. And it was wearing all black. I threw myself between it and Lissa and lashed out at my attacker. In the flurry of activity, I vaguely recognized a guardian who generally taught the elementary novices. Her name was Jane or Joan or something like that. Jean, that was it. She was taller than me, but my fist made contact with her face anyway. She staggered back, and then I noticed another shape coming up beside her. Yuri. I leapt over so that she was between him and me. I kicked her in the stomach. She fell toward him, and both stumbled. In that brief moment, I had my practice stake out and aimed for her heart. I hit the mark, and she immediately stepped aside since she was now technically â€Å"dead.† Yuri and I then faced off. Beyond me, I heard a muffled sound that I suspected was Dean fighting his own attacker or attackers. I didn't have time to check yet. I needed to dispatch Yuri, which was harder since he was stronger than Jean. He and I circled, both feinting and landing blows. Finally, he made his major move, but I was faster and wiggled out of his grip. I stayed out of his reach just long enough to stake him too. As soon as he backed away in defeat, I turned toward Dean. Lissa stood off to the side, watching as Dean sparred with his attacker. It was pathetic, to say the least. I'd given Ryan a hard time, but his mistakes were nothing compared to this. Dean's practice stake was on the ground, and his moves were jerky and unsteady. I decided then that he was more of a liability if he stayed in the fight. I threw myself forward and shoved him out of the way, off toward Lissa. I think I might have pushed hard enough to make him fall, but I didn't care. I needed him out of the way. Facing my opponent, I saw: Dimitri. It was unexpected. Some little voice in the back of my head said I couldn't fight Dimitri. The rest of me reminded that voice that I'd been doing it for the last six months, and besides, he wasn't Dimitri right now. He was my enemy. I sprang toward him with the stake, hoping to catch him by surprise. But Dimitri was hard to catch by surprise. And he was fast. Oh, so fast. It was like he knew what I was going to do before I did it. He halted my attack with a glancing blow to the side of the head. I knew it would hurt later, but my adrenaline was running too strong for me to pay attention to it now. Distantly, I realized some other people had come to watch us. Dimitri and I were celebrities in different ways around here, and our mentoring relationship added to the drama. This was prime-time entertainment. My eyes were only on Dimitri, though. As we tested each other, attacking and blocking, I tried to remember everything he'd taught me. I also tried to remember everything I knew about him. I'd practiced with him for months. I knew him, knew his moves, just as he knew mine. I could anticipate him the same way. Once I started using that knowledge, the fight grew tricky. We were too well matched, both of us too fast. My heart thumped in my chest, and sweat coated my skin. Then Dimitri finally got through. He moved in for an attack, coming at me with the full force of his body. I blocked the worst of it, but he was so strong that I was the one who stumbled from the impact. He didn't waste the opportunity and dragged me to the ground, trying to pin me. Being trapped like that by a Strigoi would likely result in the neck being bitten or broken. I couldn't let that happen. So, although he held most of me to the ground, I managed to shove my elbow up and nail him in the face. He flinched, and that was all I needed. I rolled him over and held him down. He fought to push me off, and I pushed right back while also trying to maneuver my stake. He was so strong, though. I was certain I wouldn't be able to hold him. Then, just as I thought I'd lose my hold, I got a good grip on the stake. And like that, the stake came down over his heart. It was done. Behind me, people were clapping, but all I noticed was Dimitri. Our gazes were locked. I was still straddling him, my hands pressed against his chest. Both of us were sweaty and breathing heavily. His eyes looked at me with pride – and a hell of a lot more. He was so close, and my whole body yearned for him, again thinking he was a piece of me I needed in order to be complete. The air between us seemed warm and heady, and I would have given anything in that moment to lie down with him and have his arms wrap around me. His expression showed me that he was thinking the same thing. The fight was finished, but remnants of the adrenaline and animal intensity remained. Then a hand reached down, and Jean helped me stand up. She and Yuri were beaming, as were the spectators who had wandered up. Even Lissa looked impressed. Dean, understandably, looked miserable. I hoped word of my stunning victory would spread around campus as fast as the recent bad stuff about me had. Probably not. â€Å"Well done,† said Yuri. â€Å"You took down all three of us. That was textbook perfect.† Dimitri was on his feet now too. I looked pointedly at the other two guardians because I was pretty sure if I looked at him, my expression would give everything away. My breathing was still heavy. â€Å"I hope †¦ I hope I didn't hurt any of you,† I said. This made all of them laugh. â€Å"That's our job,† said Jean. â€Å"Don't worry about us. We're tough.† She glanced at Dimitri. â€Å"She got you pretty good with her elbow.† Dimitri rubbed his face near his eye, and I hoped I hadn't caused too much damage. â€Å"The student surpasses the teacher,† he joked. â€Å"Or stakes, rather.† Yuri was giving Dean a hard look. â€Å"Alcohol isn't allowed on campus.† â€Å"It's Sunday!† he exclaimed. â€Å"We aren't supposed to be on duty.† â€Å"There are no rules in the real world,† said Jean in a very teacherlike way. â€Å"Consider this a pop quiz. You passed it, Rose. Very nice job.† â€Å"Thanks. Wish I could say the same for my clothes.† I was wet and muddy. â€Å"I'm going to have to go change, Liss. I'll meet you for dinner.† â€Å"Okay.† Her face was alight. She was so proud of me, she could barely contain it. I could also sense her keeping something secret, and I wondered if there would be a congratulations surprise when I saw her later. I didn't probe too deeply, lest I ruin it. â€Å"And you,† said Yuri, tugging at Dean's sleeve, â€Å"are going to take a walk with us.† I met Dimitri's eyes. I wished he could have stuck around and talked. My adrenaline was running high, and I wanted to celebrate. I'd done it. Finally. After all the embarrassment over my fumbles and alleged incompetence, I'd finally proven what I could do. I wanted to start dancing. Dimitri had to go with the others, though, and only a slight nod of his head told me he wished it were otherwise. I sighed and watched them leave, and then I walked back to my dorm alone. Back in my room, I discovered the situation was worse than I thought. Once I'd stripped off my muddy clothes, I realized I was going to need a shower and a good scrubbing before I was presentable. By the time it was all done, nearly an hour had passed. I'd missed most of dinner. I ran back over to the commons, wondering why Lissa hadn't sent me any nagging thoughts. She had a tendency to do that when I was running late. Probably she'd decided I'd deserved a break after my triumph. Thinking about it again, a big grin crept over my face, one that dried up when I headed down the hallway that led to the cafeteria. A big group of people had gathered around something, and I recognized the international sign of a fight. Considering how Jesse's band liked to conduct their beatings in secret, I figured this probably had nothing to do with them. Squeezing through people, I pushed myself forward and peeked over some heads, curious as to who could have drawn such a crowd. It was Adrian and Christian. And Eddie. But Eddie was clearly there in a referee role. He was standing between them, trying to keep them away from each other. Manners gone, I shoved aside the last few people in front of me and hurried to Eddie's side. â€Å"What the hell's going on?† I demanded. He looked relieved to see me. He might be able to fend off our instructors in combat, but this situation was clearly something he was confused about. â€Å"No idea.† I looked at the two combatants. Fortunately, no one seemed to have hit anybody †¦ yet. It also looked as though Christian was the one on the offensive. â€Å"How long did you think you could get away with it?† he exclaimed. His eyes were like blue fire. â€Å"Did you seriously think everyone would keep buying your act?† Adrian looked laconic as usual, but I could see some anxiety under that lazy smile. He didn't want to be in this situation, and, like Eddie, he wasn't even sure how it had happened. â€Å"Honestly,† said Adrian in a weary voice, â€Å"I have no idea what you're talking about. Can we please just go sit down and discuss this reasonably?† â€Å"Sure. Of course you'd want that. You're afraid I might do this.† Christian held up his hand, and a ball of flame danced over his palm. Even under the fluorescent lights, it glowed bright orange with a deep blue core. There were gasps from the crowd. I'd long since gotten used to the idea of Moroi fighting with magic – Christian in particular – but for most, it was still a taboo thing. Christian smirked. â€Å"What have you got to fight back with? Plants?† â€Å"If you're going to go start fights for no reason, you should at least do it the old-fashioned way and throw a punch,† said Adrian. His voice was light, but he was still uneasy. My guess was that he figured he could do better with hand-to-hand than spirit-to-fire. â€Å"No,† interrupted Eddie. â€Å"No one's going to set anyone on fire. No one's going to punch anybody. There's been some huge mistake.† â€Å"What is it?† I demanded. â€Å"What happened?† â€Å"Your friend there thinks I'm planning to marry Lissa and carry her off into the sunset,† said Adrian. He spoke to me, but his eyes never left Christian. â€Å"Don't act like it's not true,† growled Christian. â€Å"I know it is. It's been part of your plan – yours and the queen's. She's been backing you the whole time. Coming back here†¦the whole studying thing †¦ it was a scam to get Lissa away from me and tied to your family instead.† â€Å"Do you have any idea how paranoid you sound?† asked Adrian. â€Å"My great-aunt has to manage the entire Moroi government! Do you think she really cares about who's dating who in high school – especially with the state of affairs lately? Look, I'm sorry about all the time I've spent with her†¦we'll find her and figure this out. I really wasn't trying to get between you. There's no conspiracy going on here.† â€Å"Yes, there is,† said Christian. He glanced over at me with a scowl â€Å"Isn't there? Rose knows. Rose has known for a while about this. She even talked to the queen about it.† â€Å"That's ridiculous,† said Adrian, surprised enough that he too shot me a quick glance. â€Å"Right?† â€Å"Well †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I began, realizing this was getting very ugly very quickly. â€Å"Yes and no.† â€Å"See?† asked Christian triumphantly. The fire flew from his hand, but Eddie and I jumped into motion at the same time. People screamed. Eddie grabbed Christian, forcing the fire to fly high. Meanwhile, I grabbed Adrian and slammed him to the floor. It was a lucky division of labor. I didn't want to think what would have happened if Eddie and I had gone for the same person. â€Å"Glad you care,† muttered Adrian, wincing as he lifted his head from the floor. â€Å"Compel him,† I murmured as I helped him up. â€Å"We need to sort this out without someone spontaneously combusting.† Eddie was trying to restrain Christian from leaping forward. I grabbed a hold of one arm to help. Adrian didn't look thrilled about coming any closer, but he obeyed me nonetheless. Christian tried to jerk free but couldn't fight both Eddie and me. Uneasily, probably afraid of his hair catching on fire, Adrian leaned over Christian and made eye contact. â€Å"Christian, stop this. Let's talk.† Christian struggled a little against his restraints, but slowly, his face went slack and his eyes started to glaze over. â€Å"Let's talk about this,† repeated Adrian. â€Å"Okay,† said Christian. There was a collective sigh of disappointment from the crowd. Adrian had used his compulsion smoothly enough that no one suspected. It had looked as though Christian had simply seen reason. As the crowd dispersed, Eddie and I released Christian enough to a lead him over to far corner where we could talk in private. As soon as Adrian broke the gaze, Christian's face filled with fury, and he tried to leap at Adrian. Eddie and I were already holding on. He didn't move. â€Å"What did you just do?† exclaimed Christian. Several people down the hall glanced back, no doubt hoping there'd be a fight after all. I shushed loudly in his ear. He flinched. â€Å"Ow.† â€Å"Be quiet. Something's wrong here, and we need to figure it out before you do something stupid.† â€Å"What's wrong,† Christian said, glaring at Adrian, â€Å"is that they're trying to break up Lissa and me, and you knew about it, Rose.† Adrian glanced at me. â€Å"Did you really?† â€Å"Yeah, long story.† I turned back to Christian. â€Å"Look, Adrian didn't have anything to do with this. Not intentionally. It was Tatiana's idea – and she hasn't even actually done anything yet. It's just her long-term plan – hers alone, not his.† â€Å"Then how did you know about it?† demanded Christian. â€Å"Because she told me – she was afraid that I was moving in on Adrian.† â€Å"Really? Did you defend our love?† Adrian asked. â€Å"Be quiet,† I said. â€Å"What I want to know, Christian, is who told you?† â€Å"Ralf,† he said, looking uncertain for the first time. â€Å"You should have known better than to listen to him,† remarked Eddie, face darkening at the name. â€Å"Except, for once, Ralf was actually telling the truth – aside from Adrian being in on it. Ralf's related to the queen's best friend,† I explained. â€Å"Wonderful,† said Christian. He seemed calm enough, so Eddie and I released him. â€Å"We've all been played.† I looked around, suddenly taken aback by something. â€Å"Where's Lissa? Why didn't she stop all of this?† Adrian raised an eyebrow at me. â€Å"You tell us. Where is she? She didn't come to dinner.† â€Å"I can't. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I frowned. I'd gotten so good at shielding myself when I needed to that long periods of time would go by without me feeling anything from her. This time, I sensed nothing because there was nothing coming from her. â€Å"I can't feel her.† Three sets of eyes stared at me. â€Å"Is she asleep?† asked Eddie. â€Å"I can tell when she's asleep†¦This is something different†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Slowly, slowly, I gained a sense of where she was. She'd been blocking me out on purpose, trying to hide from me, but I'd found her as I always did. â€Å"There she is. She was – oh God!† My scream rang down the hall, echoing Lissa's own screams as, far away, pain shot through her.